Body Composition Analysis (BCA)
Interest in body composition analysis (BCA) has grown tremendously during the last 25 years, largely because of its increasingly substantiated relationship with both personal wellness and sports performance. Competitive athletes, individuals seeking to reach or maintain optimal health, and patients in hospitals have all benefited from the increased popularity and accuracy of BCA. The “Desirable Weights for Men and Women” based on differing heights and frame sizes established by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company years ago and formerly a staple within the medical community, have long since become obsolete.
Segmental Lean Analysis
Measures muscular development, and indicates balance among 5 key segments in your body. Can help determine predisposition to injury.
Fat Percentage
Body fat percentage based on overall body mass. Indicates lean vs. fat content and determines obesity.
Visceral Fat
Abdominal fat surrounding internal organs can indicate increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Intra- & Extra-
Cellular Water
Overall cellular health vs. dehydration and inflammation. These figures indicate nutrient retention in healthy cells.
More detail on the data provided during Body Composition Analysis is available here »
Research to establish ways of determining body composition through various methods dates back to the 1940’s. In 1969, landmark experimental research involving bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) paved the way to a new medium through which human body composition could be assessed. Ten years later, an American company commercialized the first impedance meter, drawing attention from researchers worldwide. Shortcomings were observed and addressed, but until the 1990’s, the most precise measure recognized scientifically for assessing human body composition was hydrostatic (underwater) weighing. Air Displacement Plethysmography and Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry have also entered the BCA landscape since the 1990’s, but skinfold testing (via anthropometric calipers) was typically the method of choice for many physical educators and exercise scientists due to the inexpensive nature and ease of accessibility of necessary equipment.
In 1996, InBody Co., Ltd. debuted a body composition analyzer that addressed and rectified the limitations of conventional BIA devices. Technological breakthroughs included segmental measurement, use of multi-frequency analysis, and the integration of an 8-point tactile electrode system. These advancements permitted the elimination of empirical estimation use, and ushered in new levels of accuracy and reproducibility. Three generations of InBody equipment later, the company released in 2014 its most advanced assessment system to date – the Model 770.
Following is a comparison chart of today’s five most commonly used measurement methodologies. As you can see it is with good reason InBody’s 770 has garnered widespread respect and usage within medical, research, and athletic performance circles. Inner Image takes great pride in not only being first to market providing this revolutionary technology to the New York/New Jersey/Connecticut area, but we also possess the unique ability to deliver the experience to you.